JAKARTA - Officers from the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) together with a medical team rescued a tapir (Tapirus indicus) who was injured and roamed the residents' gardens in Lubuk Ambacang Village, Hulu Kuantan District, Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) Regency, Riau, on Friday, October 12.

"To preserve the protected animals, the Riau BBKSDA team together with the medical team brought them to Pekanbaru for a treatment process," said the Daily Executive (Plh) of the Riau BBKSDA Head, Hartono, as reported by Antara, Sunday, November 14, in Pekanbaru.

He said the rescue was carried out starting from information from local residents who reported that there was a tapir, on Friday, November 12 night.

He explained that the herbivorous (leaf-eating) mammal was found injured in the eye while wandering in the garden owned by residents in the village.

"Furthermore, on Saturday, November 13, the Regional I Rengat KSDA Division Team was sent to the location, to follow up on the report. Then, the Riau KSDA Center's medical team from Pekanbaru was also followed up," he said.

Arriving at the location, the BBKSDA team immediately coordinated with the Lubuk Ambacang Village Secretary, Imas, regarding the injured tapir/cipan in the residents' rubber plantation.

"The tapir reportedly appeared in the garden of a resident named Said Hasim," he said.

After discussion, the team, together with the village secretary and several local people, headed to the location, which was reported to have been there for about 1 day.

"To maintain the condition of the animals, the team secures the animals at the location and provides water and food with yam leaves/wood for first aid," said Hartono.

Furthermore, the Riau BBKSDA medical team immediately carried out medical assistance or treatment of wounds on the edges of Tapir's eyes.

"Drugs are given to prevent infection," he said.

Meanwhile, the results of the inspection and identification process of the animal revealed that the tapir or cipan was male, about 5 years old, 1 meter 20 centimeters long.

"When first found, the tapir was in a weak condition and there was a rotting wound on the edge of the right eye. While the behavior of tapirs is relatively docile and is not afraid of the arrival of humans around it, "he said.

He expressed his gratitude for the concern of the residents to help secure the tapir, before the Riau BBKSDA Team arrived until the team carried out treatment.

In addition, the team also provided socialization related to protected animals including tapirs as well as efforts to handle wildlife conflicts.

"We hope that residents will always communicate with the Riau KSDA Center regarding the existence of protected wildlife," he said.

When first aid was carried out, because the condition of the injured animal was quite serious, it was decided to evacuate the tapir to the Riau BBKSDA animal transit cage so that it could be treated intensively and put into an evacuation cage that had been prepared by the team and brought to the office in Pekanbaru.

Moving from the location, on Sunday (14/11) in the morning at around 1.15 WIB, the group carrying the tapir arrived at the animal transit/care center of the Riau KSDA Center for further treatment.

He also appealed to the public and all parties not to set a trap for any reason.

“If they are caught, they will be charged with Article 40 of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems. And for anyone who finds violations or suspicious things related to hunting/trading of protected wildlife, please immediately report to the Riau BBKSDA call center at number 081374742981," said Hartono.

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