JAKARTA - A total of 40 Youth Officers (Paja) alumni of the First Education of Career Soldier Officers (Dikma Pa PK) of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Special for Health Workers TA. 2021 will immediately strengthen the ranks of the Navy's Health after being inaugurated by the TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto.

The inauguration took place during the Prasetya Ceremony of the Special TNI Career Officer for Health Workers at the TNI Headquarters Plaza, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Friday, November 12 yesterday. Also present were the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono, Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo, Deputy Chief of Staff, Kasum TNI, Aspers TNI Commander, Dankodiklat TNI and a number of other officials.

The 40 Indonesian Navy Youth Officers consisting of 34 men and 6 women came from the disciplines of Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing. They were inducted together with 62 Paja TNI AD and 20 Paja TNI AU after attending special education for 7 months at the Military Academy (Akmil) Magelang, Central Java.

The TNI Commander said that health enforcers are the heart of the National Health System, therefore attention is needed to develop and empower health human resources to ensure the needs of the community. The Pa PK TNI Education Program for Health Workers is one of the efforts to fulfill health workers to support the main tasks of the TNI.

Moreover, according to Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, currently the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended, even in various countries and parts of Indonesia still showing an increasing trend so that vaccination as one of the efforts to protect against COVID-19 still needs to be optimized.

“Officers are required to be ready to carry out their duties immediately. Further education programs must be combined with direct service in the community if needed, therein lies the embodiment of the code of ethics for Purna Bhakti Wira Utama and Sapta Marga officers, the Soldier's Oath and the 8 Mandatory TNI as a moral foundation in treading a soldier's life, "said the TNI Commander.

The Prasetya Officer Career Ceremony for the Special TNI for Health Workers, which was attended by 122 Youth Officers, was marked by the utterance of the Officers Oath, the signing of the Official Oath, followed by the signing of the handover of the youth officers from the TNI Kodiklat Commander to the Assistant Personnel (Aspers) of the TNI Commander, to be then handed over to Aspers for each batch.

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