JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) is currently tracking the flow of funds from PT Jouska Finansial Indonesia. This is related to the alleged money laundering committed by a company that offers financial planning services.

PPATK Head Dian Ediana Rae said that tracking of the flow of funds is still in process. According to him, tracing the flow of funds will take time. The duration or not depends on the case being handled.

"It can't be concluded yet. You don't know how long it will take (the search), depending on the complication of the transaction," he said, when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, August 5.

However, Dian said that so far mapping and analysis had been carried out of the names and accounts involved in the company led by Aakar Abyasa Fidzuno.

"Automatically, the PPATK will enter (investigate). We are concerned with cases that could disturb the integrity of the financial system like that," he said.

Dian said, so far the PPATK has not made any significant findings. The analysis is still in its early stages.

Furthermore, Dian explained that this investigation was not carried out at the request of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim), which is also working on the Jouska case.

"We do this to ensure that there are economic crimes that can harm the community. Not at the request of Bareskrim, but indeed we are also preparing to anticipate Bareskrim's request. If there is no request, if there is an indication of a crime we will convey it to law enforcement officials," he said.

If proven to have committed a violation of the crime of money laundering (TPPU) in accordance with Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering, the perpetrator can be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 20 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion.

Article 3 of the related Law reads:

A person who places, transfers, transfers, spends, pays, grants, entrusts, takes abroad, changes forms, exchanges currency or securities or other acts of assets which he knows or should reasonably suspect are the proceeds of a criminal act with the aim of concealing or disguising the origin of Assets is punished for the crime of money laundering with a maximum imprisonment of 20 years and a maximum fine of Rp10 billion.

As is known, on Friday, July 27, the Investment Alert Task Force has stopped the company's operations. PT Jouska is proven to have carried out business activities as an Investment Advisor and / or Securities Trading brokerage agent without a license. In other words, Jouska was suspected of violating the Capital Market Law.

The head of the Task Force Tongam L. Tobing said the alleged violation was concluded from the results of a temporary examination of the company's operations.

Furthermore, he said, Jouska allegedly violated the three laws that were broken by Jouska, namely the capital market law, the ITE law and the consumer protection law.

Referring to Law Number 8 of 1995 Concerning Capital Markets, any party conducting activities in the capital market without a license, approval or registration shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp. 5 billion.

Article 103 paragraph (1) reads:

Any Party that carries out activities in the Capital Market without permission, approval, or registration as referred to in Article 6, Article 13, Article 18, Article 30, Article 34, Article 43, Article 48, Article 50, and Article 64 shall be punished with imprisonment at the maximum. 5 years old and a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion.

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