JAKARTA - Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a confident child. Confidence here is certainly not excessive, but the child becomes himself, dares to express his opinion and be firm in his stance, and does not feel inferior to him.
Well, below there are several ways that you as a parent can do to build children's confidence from an early age as reported by Parents, Friday, January 10.
To focus on building self-confidence and self-esteem at home, praise certain traits and behaviors, such as "I really like using imagination to make fun games. You're very creative!" Remember that when praising, it's important to give selective and sincere praise. If you chant "good work!" every five seconds, that praise won't mean anything.
At this age, children are starting to realize how they are equal and different, so you can also put in everyday conversations how cool it is that everyone is unique. Ask children what they think makes them different from other children, and what they like or don't like about the difference. As well as what you like about their differences. This consistent positive message from parents plays an important role in making each child feel confident with a strong self-esteem.
If you feel your child is being bullied by your peers because of its unique nature, you need to change course from building confidence at home to paying attention to what is happening in the outside world. Children may see the response of other children as negative, or may not. Observe the interaction if possible, talk to the teacher about what they see, and keep talking to the child.
They may want to change their habits so they feel more comfortable with other children. Or you might think that making some changes will help them get better along with other children. Whatever it is, you can at the same time give them the message that they are loved as they are in the family.
The reality of current social development is that it has social expectations that must be obeyed with age. Part of the description of the task as parents is to guide them through growth as social beings in the world. Targeting self-confidence and self-respect lays the foundation of emotional security at home, which gives children tools to manage what parents cannot control in other parts of their world.
What's important is that you exist for them, respect who they are as individuals, in every step. When they find their identity in this world, one social phase at a time, they will know at the bottom of their heart that they are loved and special. Believe me, this is more powerful at building self-confidence and self-esteem than the most luxurious way money can buy, with or without uniqueness.
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