JAKARTA - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka has again replaced his Instagram profile photo with Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

This sight suddenly made the public wonder whether Gibran supported Ganjar in his candidacy, considering that previously the eldest son of President Joko Widodo said that Solo people were full of codes.

Highlighting this, political observer Dedi Kurnia Syah said that in Javanese politics, the codes are not openly vulgar. According to him, with the intensity of Gibran installing the code twice, Ganjar was only limited to seniors and juniors.

"If these two people don't have a relevant relationship, it might have something to do with the presidential election. But what matters is the leader and the one being led, meaning Ganjar as governor, Gibran as mayor in the same province," said Dedi to VOI, Friday, November 12.

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