JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is currently investigating the alleged fraud case of PT Future View Tech or the VTube application. The loss is estimated at Rp 24 billion.

"We have just received the report, and even just received the delegation of the case, the handling of which was previously at the Cyber Directorate and then transferred to us," said Head of Sub-Directorate V Dittipideksus Polri Kombes Ma'mun to reporters, Friday, November 12.

The transfer of files, said Ma'mun, since last October. In the file, it is recorded that 17 million are VTube members, of which 350 people are victims of alleged fraud.

The alleged fraud is called MLM multilevel marketing mode). But allegedly done illegally.

"It has been (investigated). In the early stages we are conducting an investigation," said Ma'mun.

When asked about the alleged involvement of religious community organizations (ormas) in the case, Ma'mun said he could not confirm it. The reason is that the investigation process is still at an early stage.

"It's not there yet, that's why I just received the report. It's too early to talk about it," said Ma'mun.

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