JAKARTA - Secretary General of Indonesian Mosque Council PP (DMI) Imam Ad Daruquthni hopes that Muslim places of worship can become play stations or friendly to children so that they are close to mosques. "Mosques are to be play stations. Do not forbid children from playing in them. mosque. This play station means that in the mosque there are educational games not filled with dingdong or online games, "said Imam as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 4.

He said a child-friendly mosque would bring them closer to places of worship and religion. Because a mosque is not only a place for prayer, but also a community empowerment institution. According to him, many children today are increasingly far from the mosque. The reason is that takmir does not try to internalize a mosque as a fun place. Mosque as a place to play, he said, does not translate as a simple translation of changing places of worship for a game area. However, the mosque should have the function of a fun children's education center. '' So this play station is no longer a destructive gadget, but turns the mosque into a play center. This can also regenerate mosque children to become the best children for the nation in the future, "he said. Four decades ago, he continued, children used to gather with mosques for various activities. The mosque serves as a center for community activities so that it can prosper. In addition, children, apart from studying religion, also played proportionally in the mosque. He said the sight of the mosque which was crowded with children's activities was a common sight. While mosques are currently quiet, especially in the COVID-19 season, now, he said, mosques have a tendency to be isolated from children. Creative efforts are needed so that the mosque will be closer to the children as the next generation of people and society.

DMI, said Imam, is currently continuing to launch a program to revive 25 thousand Early Childhood Education in mosques, thereby strengthening the role of mosques. Meanwhile, Chairman of PP DMI M Natsir Zubaidi invites mosques that have the capacity to install internet transmitters (WiFi) that can be accessed "Mosques should be able to install WiFi to help school-age children study in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said. He said the installation of WiFi could help children. -children of school age who are now required to learn by distance, while their facilities are inadequate.

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