SOLO - Investigators of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surakarta City Police said that their party had not yet granted the letter of application for the suspension of detention of two suspects FPJ (20) and NFM (20) related to the death of student Gilang Endy Saputra (21).

Gilang died while attending the Student Regiment Basic Training (Diklatsar Menwa) Sebelas Maret University (UNS).

"Surakarta Police investigators have temporarily not granted a letter to suspend the detention of the two suspects, because the investigation and investigation has not yet been completed," said Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

According to the Police Chief, the suspension of the detention of the two suspects has not been granted because the investigative team is still in the progress of carrying out development investigations for other parties suspected of being involved in the case.

"We are still in the process of investigating and investigating to complete or explore the involvement of other suspects is still needed or has not been completed," said the Police Chief.

The police chief said that the letter of suspension of the detention of the two suspects was from his legal adviser to the Legal Consultation and Legal Aid Institute of the UNS Faculty of Law which was submitted to the Surakarta Police investigators on Monday, November 8.

In the letter, said the Police Chief, the legal adviser asked for a suspension of detention for the suspect with the initials FPJ (20), a resident of Wonogiri Regency, and NFM (20), a resident of Pati Regency. In the suspension of detention, as guarantors, the suspects were FPJ's brother-in-law, and NFM, his older brother.

The letter of suspension, said the Police Chief, was also accompanied by a statement from the suspects FPJ and NFM, that they did not run away, did not destroy evidence, would not commit a crime, were willing to report, and did not complicate the investigation, either during the examination at the Surakarta Police. prosecutors and courts.

The Surakarta City Police Investigators previously named two suspects in the case of the death of student Gilang Endy Saputra (21), while attending the UNS Menwa Education and Training Center.

According to Ade Safri Simanjuntak, the investigation team based on three pieces of evidence, namely witness statements, letters, and expert statements, then named two suspects in the Menwa training and education case, namely the initials NFM (20), a resident of Pati Regency, and FPJ (20), a resident Wonogiri Regency which is still being held at the Surakarta Police Headquarters.

The two suspects were involved in a criminal act jointly carrying out allegations of mistreatment of the victim that caused Gilang to die during the 2021 UNS Menwa Education and Training activity. Or because his negligence caused another person to die, which occurred on the UNS Campus, on Saturday, October 23 starting at 06.00 WIB until Sunday, October 24, at 22.00 WIB.

This is referred to, said the Police Chief, in Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code or Article 359 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. It carries a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.

"Each of these suspects is suspected of having committed violence either by using tools or with his bare hands to the victim," said the Police Chief.

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