JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has given a mandate to his staff to be more sensitive to the situation on the ground so that they can prevent unwanted incidents early.

The mandate was conveyed when inaugurating a number of key officers from the National Police Headquarters and six Regional Police Chiefs at the Rupatama building, Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Wednesday, November 10.

"Don't put out the fire when the fire is big. Put out the fire when it's small. This can be done if we are observant and can see in the field. We are able to carry out proper monitoring, steps and evaluation and of course this is a duty for all of us," said Sigit in His message was quoted by Antara.

Sigit hopes that the ranks will move quickly to immediately minimize unwanted things from happening. This is related to the emergence of the phenomenon of violations of unscrupulous members of the police, especially on social media (medsos) and viral in the community.

According to the National Police Chief, the actions of a handful of police officers have an effect on other personnel who have worked hard and well in carrying out their duties. Such as being at the forefront of handling and controlling COVID-19 to maintaining a conducive security and public order situation (Sitkamtibmas).

"Here, I remind you that recently we are facing a phenomenon and it is our concern, there are many viral deviations from members. Of course this has an impact on colleagues who have worked hard so that the results are felt by the community," said Sigit.

In front of the high-ranking officers who were sworn in today, the National Police Chief emphasized that in the future there will be no more acts of individuals who commit violations. For this reason, Polri officers must be leaders who become examples so that they do not hesitate to give punishment and firm action to those who violate it.

"This must be instilled in us. We can be firm if we are good role models. We doubt if we don't become role models. Potential deviations must be corrected, whether the understanding is wrong so we have to change the mindset. Don't give a burden that has the potential to become a deviation," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief also absorbs the aspirations of the community regarding the assumption that the police will only move quickly if they are viral on social media.

Sigit asked that the community stigma must be removed because in accordance with the Precision concept, all ranks of the Indonesian National Police must be predictive, accountable and transparent with justice.

"So please fix this. It doesn't have to go viral, but the problem can be quickly resolved. There is a communication deadlock so people submit complaints using social media," said Sigit.

Not only that, the National Police Chief hopes that his staff will take advantage of a number of applications that have been launched. Such as "Hotline" 110 services, precision Propam, Dumas Presisi, Binmas Online System (BOS), SKCK "online", SPKT Community Services, SPKT Complaints, SP2HP "online", and many others.

He is of the view that these applications will not be felt by the public if they do not get a response from the police. Moreover, there are still many people who submit their complaints directly to the National Police Chief through a written message application.

"Until now, there are still many who have reported problems on my WhatsApp. When I asked why it wasn't reported to the region because it couldn't, the number was blocked. If there really is a problem and then the community needs an explanation, please explain, especially the problem with the police," said Sigit.

According to the National Police Chief, with the disclosure of information carried out by the ranks of the National Police, the public understands their legal position, whether the case can be followed up or not, because there are limits to the authority they have.

"However, we are trying to resolve everything so that a sense of justice for the community can be felt," he said.

Sigit also touched on the public's perception of the anti-critic police. This is a challenge that must be resolved and proven to the community that the police always absorb aspirations, to make the Police more desirable by the community.

"The police are not anti-criticism. This is my challenge because criticism is important and used. There is a perception in the community about us and we must correct it. The perception is expected to be in accordance with the wishes of the community. Many of our programs are implemented but it takes time," he said.

Sigit believes that this challenge can be solved by working sincerely, hard and sincerely, thus the level of public trust will continue to increase from what it is today.

"We can fix it. Build people's trust in us for the sake of the institution. Colleagues have struggled but if we can't accept improvements, of course there are gaps, this is a problem. That's why we always go to the field to meet the community and members, to find out the problem for us finish it. I'm sure my colleagues are capable, "said Sigit.

Sigit said his staff must be able to adapt to technological advances. Can show that the current Polri is much better as with the spirit of the Precision concept.

"We take advantage of technological developments so that the professionalism of the police can be seen. How do we raise the spirit of members, use technology so that they are better and more professional. I believe that the Polri institution is an institution that is loved by the community and how do we ensure that it remains in that performance," said Sigit.

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