JAKARTA - The East Java Regional Police together with the regional police arrested 262 criminals during Operation 3C, namely motor vehicle theft (curanmor), violent theft (curas), and weight theft (curat).

"The details are the perpetrators of the theft with a weight of 127 suspects, the theft with violence 51 suspects, and the theft of motor vehicles 84 suspects," said Deputy Chief of the East Java Police, Brigadier General Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, at the East Java Police Headquarters, in Surabaya, Wednesday 10 November.

Theft by weight is indeed the most prominent crime. It is proven by the arrest of 127 suspects during the last two months.

"The modus operandi carried out by the suspects is also different. For the suspect in the theft case, the weight is by destroying the doors or windows of houses and warehouses," he also said.

"For cases of theft accompanied by violence, usually the suspects snatched the bag belonging to the victim who was riding a motorcycle with a sharp weapon pointed. The suspect did not hesitate to injure the victim if they resisted," said the Deputy Chief of Police.

Meanwhile, the modus operandi in the case of motor vehicle theft is by breaking the motorcycle or car keys using a T key.

With so many incidents of criminal acts in the jurisdiction of the East Java Regional Police, his party will make maximum efforts by mobilizing all available resources.

"Both at the East Java Regional Police through Timsus 3C Subdit III Jatanras and the police level through the opsnal team or the buser team of the Satreskrim ranks will be deployed to carry out strict and measurable law enforcement against the perpetrators of crime," he said.

For their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with weight and Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with violence.

Perpetrators of violent theft are threatened with imprisonment for nine years if the victim is seriously injured for 12 years, and the death penalty or life imprisonment if the victim dies.

Meanwhile, for theft by weight and theft of motorized vehicles, the penalty is a maximum imprisonment of nine years.

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