JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, inaugurated 11 police generals, one of whom was Komjen Ahmad Dofiri. He was sworn in as Head of the Intelligence and Security Agency (Kabaintelkam) of the Indonesian National Police.

"The report card corps is promoted to the rank of Pati Police. There are 11 who have been promoted. 2 Inspectors General to Komjen or 2 stars to 3 stars. Then there are 3 Brigadiers General to Inspector General or 1 star to 2 stars. And there are 6 Kombes promoted to Brigadier General", said Karo Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, told reporters, Wednesday, November 10.

This shift in members of the Bhayangkara Corps, said Rusdi, is a common thing. This is because the shift or mutation is aimed at career development and refreshment.

"On the other hand, this is a career development of all Police personnel who serve in this institution as well as answering the challenges now that the main tasks of the Police are increasingly complex. It is hoped that the new official will be able to answer the latest challenges faced by Police institutions", said Rusdi.

For information, the members who were transferred include Komjen Ahmad Dofiri to become Kabaintelkam Police. He previously served as the West Java Regional Police Chief, which is now filled by Inspector General Suntana.

Meanwhile, Deputy of Kabaintelkam will be filled by Inspector General Merdisyam, who previously served as South Sulawesi Police Chief. Meanwhile, the South Sulawesi Police Chief will be filled by Inspector General Nana Sudjana

Furthermore, Inspector General Argo Yuwono was appointed to be the Aslog of the National Police Chief. Thus, the position of the Head of the Public Relations Division will be filled by Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

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