JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is throwing flowers at the grave of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie to the resting place of unknown heroes. This was done after leading the National Pilgrimage Ceremony in Commemoration of Heroes' Day 2021 at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Jakarta.

"President Jokowi carried out the sowing of flowers at the graves of the late Prof. Dr. Ing. HBJ Habibie in Blok M – 120 and the late Hj. Ainun Habibie in Block M 121," said Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 10.

President Jokowi and his entourage also performed a flower sowing at the grave of the Chairman of the MPR RI for the period 2009-2014, Taufiq Kiemas, which is located in Blok M - 114; the tomb of the wife of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Ani Yudhoyono in Blok M - 129; the grave of the former 4th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Umar Wirahadikusuma in Blok M-102, the grave of the 5th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Soedarmono in Blok M-107; to the grave of the 3rd Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Adam Malik in Block E – 119A.

"President Jokowi also planted flowers at the tombs of revolutionary heroes in Blocks E – 79 to 83 as well as the lowest rank heroes and unknown heroes in Blocks M – 59 to M – 62," added Heru.

Prior to the sowing of flowers, President Jokowi led a national pilgrimage ceremony to commemorate Heroes' Day which began at around 08.00 WIB and was held with the implementation of strict health protocols.

Seen from the Presidential Secretariat's live YouTube video, several Ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who were present at the location, namely the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, who were the prayer readers.

The ceremony began after President Jokowi received a report from the Ceremony Commander. The participants of the ceremony then paid their respects to the heroes, followed by a salute of weapons.

The participants of the ceremony then recalled the battle of November 10, 1945 in Surabaya, marked by the sound of sirens. After that, the President led the procession of silence.

President Jokowi then laid a wreath at the Kalibata TMP monument. The ceremony continued with the reading of prayers for the spirits of the heroes by the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

President Jokowi and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin then left the ceremony venue, and continued with the flower-laying procession.

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