JAKARTA - Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi asserted that his party will bring order to anyone who disturbs the peace of the people of Central Java (Central Java) and will not hesitate to take the perpetrators of anarchy into legal action.

Luthfi highlighted that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Java was still hit by several conflicts between communities that led to law violations. This was conveyed by the Kapolda when opening the Professional Guidance and Recovery Program for Police Members Who Are Undergoing Sentences and Monitoring Periods in 2021, at Pusdik Binmas, Banyubiru, Semarang Regency, Monday, November 8.

"There are fights between mass organizations and mass organizations, there are sweeping actions, intercepts and security. Even though legally and by law, that is the authority of the Police," said the Kapolda in an official statement received by VOI, Monday, November 8.

Against various parties who committed criminal offenses including acts of thuggery, the Regional Police Chief instructed his staff to take firm action.

"It must be processed legally, there is no negotiation. Measured actions are needed according to the law so that the perpetrators are deterrent. We are obliged to protect the community so that Central Java Kamtibmas is maintained," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the existence of members of the National Police who committed violations, the Regional Police Chief emphasized that they would proceed according to the applicable procedures. Members who commit disciplinary violations three times will immediately be tried on the code of ethics.

Becoming a member of the National Police, said the Kapolda, is a public mandate that must be carried out properly. Every attribute used by members of the National Police is a legal representation and must be obeyed by every member.

According to the Kapolda, members who violate the law are a disease for the organization. It is hoped that members who are being fostered and rehabilitated at this time will soon change.

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