LAMPUNG - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Lampung, Moh Mukri fully supports the arrest of a number of terrorists by the Densus 88 Team at the National Police Headquarters some time ago in the area.

"I really support what the government is doing, in this case the Densus 88 Polri, to eradicate terrorists in Lampung," he said in Bandarlampung, as reported by Antara, Sunday, November 7.

According to him, the government in this case must take preventive and repressive measures because the actions of the terrorists have endangered the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"So what Densus 88 is doing, I think we all have to provide support. If necessary, the government can cooperate with MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah, and other mass organizations in terms of taking firm action against terrorists as well as a number of charitable boxes circulating," he said. .

Mukri appealed to the entire community to be more careful in studying religion. According to him, it is better to study religion from a true teacher and also accompanied by a family.

"It's not that you can't study religion, but it's better to learn from people who are genuine, and it's better to be accompanied by family," he said.

The chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (MPW) of the Indonesian Mosque Council (IK-DMI) Gus Dimyati said the same thing. His party also supports the decisive action of the Detachment 88 Team at the National Police Headquarters.

"We support the decisive action of Densus 88. It is fitting for these terrorists to be exterminated," he said.

Regarding the charity box, he appealed to the public to be careful in donating. If possible, it is better for the community to donate directly so that they are more blessed and receive prayers.

"Because of the information circulating among our law enforcement officers that their assets are up to billions of rupiah. So if you want to donate, either online or through a charity box, there must be one that we know has integrity, credibility, and ensures that we get permission. from the Social Service," he said.

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