MALANG - Malang Police Satreskrim Team arrested a parking attendant, MAK (31) a resident of Kepanjen, Malang Regency. He stabbed MS (32) his own partner.

Malang Police Chief AKBP R. Bagoes Wibisono explained that the stabbing incident started with an alcohol party which also involved the two of them and ended in a fight. The location is in front of the Barokah Jaya Shop, Jalan Raya Panglima Sudirman, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency.

Not long after, the perpetrators of MAK forcibly took a knife from a pempek trader who was selling in front of the Barokah Jaya shop. He brought the knife to stab the victim (MS) right in the chest.

"During the alcohol party, an argument broke out between the victim and the perpetrator. His drinking companion broke up with him, but it didn't work. In the end, the stabbing took place," said AKBP Bagoes during a press conference, Sunday, November 7.

Shortly after receiving the report, officers from the Satreskrim and the Identification Unit of the Malang Police immediately went to the Crime Scene (TKP) to process the crime scene and seek information from witnesses. Less than 2 hours, the police managed to catch the culprit

As a result of his actions, the perpetrators are subject to multiple articles, namely Article 380 of the Criminal Code concerning murder and or 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution to death.

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