JAKARTA – To maintain cultural heritage, it is hoped that the younger generation or millennials can continue to preserve the nation's culture, especially Sundanese culture. This was conveyed by one of the puppet show sellers who sells on Jalan Braga, Bandung City, West Java.

Ramdan Kosasih (61), a wayang golek seller in Braga, said the younger generation should not forget culture. Because the nation's cultural wealth has the potential to be claimed by other parties.

"People also need to know more about Sundanese culture, such as Punakawan, Semar, Cepot, and other puppets," said Ramda, quoted Saturday, November 6.

According to him, lately he is more often visited by local people and also the younger generation. The reason is that now foreign tourists do not often visit the city of Bandung because of the pandemic situation.

Because there are no foreign tourists, it is the local community themselves who, according to him, need to maintain the wayang culture.

"There used to be tourists here every time they visited Braga, tourists really like authentic cultures like this," he said.

In terms of sales, according to him now he is not targeting the number of sales within a certain time span. The reason is that now he is more focused on filling his time to be able to transmit his love for wayang while making sales.

"In the past there was a target for sales, now it's just adjusting to the conditions, sometimes it's two or three lonely days, now I'm just filling my time with puppets and it's also my old age," he said.

The wayang that he sells is the product of his fellow artists who are in Bandung. The puppets that he sells have a price range from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 1 million.

"I am optimistic that this wayang culture will continue to be sustainable, because now in schools there is still knowledge about this wayang, starting from elementary and vocational schools as well," said Ramdan.

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