JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament, Herman Herry, congratulated the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who was recently inaugurated by President Joko Widodo at the State Palace. Herman hopes that the new KPK leadership can do a good job in carrying out the corruption eradication agenda.

The five newly appointed KPK leaders are Firli Bahuri (Chairman), Alexander Marwata, Nurul Ghufron, Nawawi Pomolango and Lili Pintauli Siregar. Of these five names, Alexander Marwata is the only incumbent commissioner of the KPK.

"Hopefully we are able to carry out the mandate in realizing an Indonesia without corruption as expected by all of us," said Herman, through a written statement, in Jakarta, Friday, December 20.

Herman said that the tough task was waiting for the new KPK leadership. In particular, he continued, in responding to public expectations of an Indonesia without corruption in accordance with the Law on the Corruption Eradication Commission.

For Herman, the corruption eradication agenda can be resolved properly if there is effective coordination between all parties. In this case, said Herman, the Indonesian Parliament supports the KPK's performance and all steps that strengthen the corruption eradication agenda.

"Remember, the agenda for eradicating corruption is not the task of the KPK alone, but is the collective task of all elements of the nation. Always prioritize coordination and communication with other law enforcement officials," he said.

Regarding the KPK Supervisory Board, said Herman, Commission III of the DPR RI respects the President's right to objectively and independently elect a figure to become the KPK Supervisory Board. He is sure that President Jokowi has had careful consideration in choosing the KPK Supervisory Board to answer the public's great concern.

"The president must be very careful in choosing the name of the Supervisory Board. Commission III will continue to supervise the performance of the KPK Dewas in the future considering the considerable amount of authority of the KPK Dewas given by the KPK Law," he said.

For your information, President Jokowi has chosen five people to become members of the KPK Supervisory Board. They are, former judges of the Constitutional Court Harjono, Tumpak Hatotangan Panggabean, former head of the KPK, Artidjo Alkostar, former chief justice, Albertina Ho, Deputy Chairperson of the Kupang High Court, and Syamsuddin Haris, LIPI Researcher.

Likewise, member of Commission III of the DPR, Taufik Basari, admitted that he has high hopes for the new KPK leadership, so that they can further optimize the work of the KPK in terms of eradicating and building a corruption prevention system. As well as synergize with other law enforcement officials such as the police and prosecutors.

"The challenge for the KPK Leadership and the KPK Supervisory Board for this period is to answer doubts that it is as if the new KPK Law will paralyze the KPK. The KPK Leadership and Supervisory Board must be able to show that the performance of the new KPK will remain optimal and even better. , "he explained.

This NasDem politician hopes that the KPK leadership transition can run smoothly. He also asked all KPK employees to welcome the new KPK leadership and be ready to cooperate well in the spirit of eradicating corruption.

In addition, Taufik also invited the public to continue to provide support for the eradication of corruption. This includes supporting the new KPK Leadership and Supervisory Board. "Because public support is needed, so that the eradication of corruption can continue according to our wishes," he said.

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