JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives will hold a fit and proper test for the candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI Andika Perkasa, on Saturday, November 6. Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I, Meutya Hafid, revealed that there are a number of homeworks (PR) for Andika if the DPR approves to become TNI Commander. The homework, he said, would be a big task that Andika had to pay attention to.

"The main homework is on improving human resources, welfare of soldiers, professionalism of soldiers, and increasing the capacity of TNI soldiers," said Meutya to reporters, Friday, November 5. Meutya assessed that Andika had the capacity to do the homework. "I see that Andika has that capacity and as the Army Chief of Staff shows commitment to the points above. These things must be continued if later he has been given approval by the DPR," he said. only but the main thing that needs to be improved is human resources. Therefore, according to Meutya, all defense threats must definitely be the focus. The key, he added, is to improve the quality of human resources. Meutya also hopes that Andika can be close to the people when she becomes the TNI Commander.

"In order to maintain the professionalism of the TNI, Andika, we also remind the Candidate Commander to be TNI Commander for all groups, bring the TNI closer to the people, the main loyalty to the people," concluded Meutya.

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