Viral Thief In Medan Surrounded By Sea Of Residents, Jumping From The Top Of Shophouses Ambushed By Police
Screenshot of the viral video of residents surrounding thieves in a Medan/SPECIAL shophouse via social media

MEDAN - Two suspected thieves were trapped in an empty shophouse on Jalan Rakyat Pasar 2, Medan. The action of the trapped thief was recorded and went viral on social media.

In the video that was seen, dozens of people were seen 'surrounding' the shophouse. Several residents were also involved in entering the empty shophouse to catch the 2 thieves.

When the residents managed to secure it, the 2 thieves had tried to escape. They had run away by jumping from the balcony.

Video recording, Evy Simarma when contacted by VOI said the two thieves had been arrested by the police.

"The thief has been taken to the police station," said Evy.

Separately, the East Medan Police Chief, Kompol Arifin, confirmed that the parties who had secured the 2 men were handed over by residents.

"They have been secured from the scene of the incident on Jalan Rakyat Simpang Pasar II, Medan Perjuangan District, on November 4, last night two perpetrators, namely ARS (40) and MRT (29)," said Kompol Arifin, Friday, November 5.

The two thieves were indeed planning to steal in an empty house. But already known and shouted by the public.

"Actually, their intention was to commit theft, but the public already knew about it. Because the locals found out, he jumped from one shophouse to another.

From the hands of the perpetrators, Kompol Arifin said the police secured evidence in the form of crowbars.

"Nothing has been taken (stolen), but we have secured the tool in the form of a crowbar," he said.

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