Sandiaga Mourns The Deadly Accident That Befell Vanessa Angel
Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno/PHOTO VIA ANTARA

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno expressed his condolences for the accident that befell Vanessa Angel and her husband, Febri (Aunt) Adriansyah.

"Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun. Still shocked to hear the news that Mas Febri (Aunt) Adriansyah, a very humble person, and also Vanessa Angel's wife died in an accident," said Sandiaga Uno, quoted from his official Instagram account @sandiuno. November 4th.

Menparekraf also prayed for the late Febri (Aunt) Adriansyah and the late Vanessa Angel.

"Hopefully husnul khotimah. All sins are erased and all their deeds of worship are accepted. Best wishes for you. May the family left behind be given fortitude. Amen yra," said Sandiaga Uno.

The police stated that Vanessa Angel was thrown out of the car during a deadly accident on the East Java toll road. His body was found four meters from the car.

"Yes, judging from the crime scene, Vanessa bounced out of the car," said East Java Police Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman to VOI, Thursday, November 4.

According to Latif, only Vannesa Angel was thrown out of the car. Meanwhile, her husband, Febri Adriansyah, remained in the car.

"Vanessa only, if her husband doesn't," said Latif.

Meanwhile, the Pajero car that Vanessa Angel was traveling in with her family also bounced 20 meters from the starting point and hit the concrete barrier. It is suspected that the speed of the car at the time of the accident was quite high.

"After the accident, the vehicle was thrown 20 meters. Vanessa was already outside the car," said Latif.

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