ACEH - The Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) said that as many as 25 Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatramus) were found dead in East Aceh Regency between 2012 and early November 2021.

"Based on our records, the number of Sumatran elephants that have died in East Aceh has reached 25 in the last nine years," said Taing Lubis, Forest Ecosystem Controller and Associate Expert of the Aceh BKSDA in East Aceh, Thursday.

Taing Lubis said the 25 Sumatran elephants or individuals were found dead in the concession area (HGU), including oil palm plantations in the East Aceh Regency.

Taing Lubis said on average the elephants died as a result of being snared and killed by initial poisoning, and lastly, a male elephant was found dead without a head.

"The Sumatran elephant was killed in a very sadistic way, where the perpetrator beheaded neatly with the aim of taking the tusk," said Taing Lubis.

Taing Lubis said elephant killings were carried out with careful planning. There are even repeat perpetrators who do it and involve the community with the lure of a lot of money.

Therefore, Taing Lubi asked for a severe punishment for the perpetrators of killing elephants in order to provide a deterrent effect for those who have killed protected animals.

"We hope that the punishment for the murderers really provides a deterrent effect, so that similar crimes don't happen again. And this is also an effort to protect protected animals," said Taing Lubis.

The Sumatran elephant is a protected wildlife. Based on data from the world nature conservation organization, IUCN, Sumatran elephants are only found on the island of Sumatra.

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