SOLO - Former terrorism convict, Munir Kartono, publicly apologized to the people of Solo, Central Java, for his actions as a donor or financier of the suicide bombing incident by Nur Rohman at the Surakarta City Police Headquarters, in 2016.

"I ask all parties to open a big apology for what I did. I realize that what I did was a big mistake", Kartono said during an apology to the public at the Surakarta City Hall, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 4.

At that time, Kartono acted as the financier of the suicide bombing that occurred on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, when members of the Surakarta Police were having their routine morning assembly. Rohman, as the executor of the suicide bombing who used a motorbike, suddenly burst into the inner courtyard of the Surakarta Police Headquarters.

The police who were there at the time chased him, and in his maneuver towards the outside of the base, a bomb exploded, killing the carrier, and a policeman was injured.

When Kartono expressed his apology, the victim was also present, Second Police Inspector Bambang Cahyono (a member of the Surakarta Police Headquarters) and witnessed by the Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Surakarta Police Chief Ade Safri Simanjuntak, Head of Socialization Directorate of the Densus 88 Anti-terror Identification and Socialization Directorate Commissioner James William, and representatives from the National Counterterrorism Agency of Central Java.

"I am the financier of the suicide bombing at the Surakarta Police Headquarters conducted by Nur Rohman, in 2016, which in the end became a tragedy in the lives of the people of Solo", said Kartono.

During his sentence, he realized what he was doing at that time was a mistake and after receiving guidance from various parties, both Densus 88 Anti-terror, BNPT (National Counter-Terrorism Agency), and various other parties asked him to realize what he did was a big mistake.

He was assisted by various parties to come to the Surakarta City Government to fulfill what he had promised himself, namely to apologize to the entire Surakarta community.

Meanwhile, Cahyono, who was the victim of the suicide bombing, stated that he had sincerely apologized for what the perpetrators had done.

Willian also said that the suicide bombing case involving Kartono began after the incident at the Surakarta Police Headquarters in 2016. He was arrested and detained and then underwent legal proceedings.

In the legal process, he said, Densus 88 has a new paradigm, not only hard efforts are being made in law enforcement, but some countermeasures are the opposite.

Densus 88 as the initial executor of the state representatives was present for a subtle effort, to touch the person, how to make the person concerned aware, that his act was wrong even though it took a long time to handle it.

After the person concerned has finished coaching with the status of the defendant being transferred to the LP as a prisoner. Then the person concerned left the prison and there was a touch of the state present, so he wanted to realize his mistake and then apologize, which was facilitated by the Surakarta City Government.

"This is a big momentum not only for Surakarta but also for the world, that the countermeasures model is not only in hard ways in law enforcement but also in subtle ways", he said.

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