JAKARTA - The Banten Police's Ditreskrimsus uncovered a corruption case over the construction of a fictitious concretization carried out by the former Branch Head of the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI) Cilegon.

Banten Police Head of Public Relations AKBP Shinto Silitonga accompanied by Banten Police Wadirreskrimsus AKBP Hendi said the company is a state-owned company engaged in the classification of all Indonesian-flagged ships.

"The disclosure of this case is based on the investigation carried out, namely LP No. 337 dated November 2, 2020, the time of the incident around May 2016 which took place at PT BKI Cilegon Branch. PT BKI Cilegon Branch committed a crime of corruption (tipikor) fictitious construction work, namely the construction of CSR- Drainage, Salak Landslide Assessment and Mitigation and Brine Line Repair were carried out in the Kabandungan District, Sukabumi," Shinto explained during a press conference at the Banten Police, Thursday, November 4.

Evidence/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

Furthermore, Shinto said, from the fictitious work, the total state financial loss from BPKP Banten Representative was Rp. 4,489,400,213.

"The source of the funds that were corrupted were funds belonging to PT BKI in 2016, the disclosure began with the findings of the PT BKI SPI (Internal Monitoring System) in 2017, after these findings, PT BKI Pusat then reported to the Banten Police about criminal acts of embezzlement in office," Shinto said.

Shinto again explained that the investigation was continued by the Banten Police Ditreskrimsus because the money that was the object of the loss was state capital participation in PT BKI, then the investigator requested an audit from the Banten Representative Office of BPKP, and it took quite a long time to get the audit results.

"After getting the results of the audit, then a case was carried out to increase the status of 2 people, namely JRA (51), former Head of the BKI Cilegon Branch, arrested at his brother's house in Jakarta, and MW (40), Director of PT. Indo Cahaya Energi (ICE), a third party who has a contract with PT BKI to carry out a concreteization project with a DPO status (people looking for list)," he explained.

Shinto explained that the suspect carried out the action when he was the Head of the PT BKI Cilegon Branch. The suspect, said Shinto, disbursed funds belonging to the company, carried out CSR funds from other companies for concrete projects to third parties. In fact, Shinto continued, the concretization has been carried out using the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) from the APBN and APBD Cilegon.

Head of Public Relations of Banten Police AKBP Shinto Silitonga with Wadirreskrimsus Banten Police AKBP Hendi/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

"We have examined 18 witnesses and 2 audit experts, several legal facts that have been collected by investigators, the JRA suspect committed an unlawful act, namely the type of work is not in accordance with the company's articles of association, the realization of the budget is also not in accordance with the company's work plan, contract handling procedures and requests for services are not appropriate, do not verify and confirm the implementation of project activities, receive cash back of more than Rp. 500 million from third parties who receive contracts," said Shinto.

The results of the corruption, Shinto explained, were used by the suspect for personal purposes such as karaoke, shopping for electronic goods, plane tickets and some were even sent and enjoyed by the suspect's wife and children, as well as other parties who are still being investigated.

"The evidence seized in the form of work contract documents, submissions for disbursement of funds to the central PT BKI, proof of transfers and other documents," explained Shinto.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 2 and Article 3 of Law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption with a penalty of 20 years in prison.

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