JAKARTA - Iwan Fals and his entourage came to Polda Metro Jaya. Iwan came as a witness to accompany his wife's report on suspicion of criminal defamation.

"Rosana is the reporter and witness for Iwan Fals," said lawyers for Rosanna and Iwan Fals, Ichsan P. Kurniagung to reporters, Thursday, November 4.

In the report, the reported party is a person with the initials KS. The Reported Party is suspected of spreading false news related to OI through social media YouTube and Private TV.

"Indeed, this problem is still related to OI. But this report is related to slander or false news that is broadcast in electronic media, including YouTube and Trans7 by a person I call the initials KS," said Ichsan.

When discussed further about the problem, Ichsan was reluctant to go into detail. He only stated that the report was so that the deviant news that had been circulating could be straightened out.

"I will not talk further about the matter of the case, let the investigators work for now. What is clear is that our client is using his right to slander," he said.

The report has also been registered with the number STTLP/B/5511/11//II/2021/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya, dated November 4th.

Then, in the report, the reported party allegedly violated Article 27 paragraph 3 Juncto Article 45 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law and/or Articles 310 and 311 of the Criminal Code.

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