SURABAYA - The Surabaya Search and Rescue (SAR) Office has updated the data on the victims of the passengers on a capsized boat in Bengawan Solo, Semambung Village, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, who were declared missing, adding one more person.

Head of the Surabaya SAR Office Hari Adi Purnomo explained that the victim data changed along with developments at the location of the command post (posko) established in Semambung Village, Kanor District, Bojonegoro.

"Just now, a resident came to the command post and reported that one of his family members was suspected to be on board the overturned boat," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

That way, the Surabaya SAR Office released the latest data on the total number of passengers on the overturned boat as many as 17 people.

A total of 10 passengers survived, namely Mardiana (58), Hafid (4), Mujianto (30), Budi (35), Arif (39), Mat Sarmuji (56), Abdullah Dimyati Al Adim (3), Tasmiatun (34) , Noviandi (30), and Abdul Hadi (9).

Meanwhile, for the time being the victims who were declared missing were seven people, namely Kasian (60) from Bojonegoro, Erma fitriani (27/Bojonegoro), Masdian Purnama (27/Bojonegoro), Toro (40/Rembang, Central Java), Sutri (50 /Tuban), Basori (45/Tuban), and the last recently reported name is Dedi Setyo Nugroho from Tuban.

Hari explained that the boat, which is a means of transportation for crossings in Semambung Village, overturned allegedly due to a very strong current on Wednesday morning at around 08.30 WIB.

"The boat is not only carrying passengers but also motorbikes," he said.

Efforts to search for victims of the capsized boat that were declared missing were temporarily suspended on Wednesday afternoon at 17.10 WIB, because it was getting dark and the river current was getting heavier.

Day confirmed that the search would continue Thursday, November 4, 2021, by a joint team involving as many as 26 SAR elements, from the police, TNI, BPBD, Satpol PP, PMI, Dishub, Fire Department, from Bojonegoro, Tuban, Ngawi and a team from Java Province. East, assisted by ACT-MRI volunteers and local residents.

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