ACEH - The Aceh Government's COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) said that until today, there are 105 active cases of corona virus infection remaining. Some of the patients are being treated in hospital and are self-isolating.

"There are 105 active COVID-19 sufferers in Aceh who are still being treated, generally in self-isolation," said Aceh COVID-19 Spokesperson Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

Saifullah said the 105 COVID-19 infection patients who are still under medical treatment include 25 people in Banda Aceh, 17 in Aceh Besar, nine in Sabang, eight in Aceh Tamiang, seven in Nagan Raya, six in Gayo Lues and six in Bireuen.

Furthermore, there are four people from Pidie, West Aceh, Central Aceh, three people from North Aceh and Bener Meriah, Southeast Aceh, East Aceh, Southwest Aceh and one person each scattered in Subulussalam, Aceh Singkil and South Aceh.

Nagan Raya, Gayo Lues, and Bireuen six people, Pidie five people, Aceh Tengah four people, and dozens of other people scattered in several districts/cities throughout Bumi Serambi Mecca.

"Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating should be able to undergo treatment according to the isolation protocol to prevent transmission of the corona virus in their families or infect their closest people," he said.

Saifullah explained that the trend of corona infection cases had continued to decline in Aceh in the past month, and the number of recovered patients also continued to increase. However, the condition of Aceh is still not safe considering that the transmission is still happening in the community

As of today, he continued, there were three new positive cases of COVID-19 in Aceh, then an additional 12 patients recovered and two people were reported to have died.

"The two cases reported have died, one is a new case and the other has been around for a while," he said.

Hopefully those who are newly infected with the corona virus can persuade their close contacts to carry out health checks to minimize the risk to themselves and those around them, he said.

Therefore, Saifullah asked the people of Tanah Rencong to maintain the trend of decreasing cases of COVID-19 infection with the discipline of health protocols and accelerating vaccination coverage.

Moreover, he said, districts/cities in Aceh had the status of a yellow zone or a low risk of spreading the corona virus and had survived until now, according to the results of the evaluation of the risk zoning of the national COVID-19 Task Force expert team.

"The application of health protocols is very important under current conditions considering that transmission is still happening. The most important thing is to be disciplined in wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility," he said.

Until now, the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Aceh has reached 38,341 people, of which 105 are still being treated or in self-isolation, 36,178 have recovered from COVID-19, and 2,058 have died.

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