JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) asks the public to be aware of the potential for tidal flooding on the coast of Belawan, Medan, North Sumatra, and its surroundings until November 9, 2021. said Head of the Class II Belawan Medan Maritime Meteorology Station, Sugiyono in Medan, reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 2. He said the phenomenon of tidal flooding, which is also known to the public in the country as the maximum tide of sea water, occurs due to sea water activity that occurs every month. .

In addition, he continued, but this time it was also affected by high rainfall, so people in coastal areas must anticipate the impact. In general, community activities and ship loading and unloading activities at the Belawan port are estimated to be disrupted. "We urge you to be alert and alert to the impact of tidal flooding, and continue to pay attention to updates (updated) BMKG maritime weather information," explained Sugiyono.

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