JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi revealed that there is a sub-district head who does not know the difference between naturalization and normalization of rivers in Jakarta.

Prasetyo did not mention which sub-district he mentioned. However, the sub-district head leads the Bangka area, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta.

"Now Pak Anies says naturalization and normalization. There is a sub-district head in Bangka, I asked, he doesn't know what naturalization and normalization are," said Prasetyo at the DKI DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 2.

According to him, the concept of river naturalization is realized in the Pesanggrahan area, Central Jakarta. Where, the area has never been reclaimed by the community to build a residence.

Unlike normalization. He said, the river normalization work is on the banks, some of which have been used by residents for settlements. So, it must require land acquisition.

"But if something like Kampung Pulo has happened, normalization must be carried out, it should be raised again, the water will run smoothly, the shuttle will run again. Because if that's not the case, then (flood) will continue like this," explained Prasetyo.

Regarding the use of this term, the Head of the DKI Water Resources Service (Kadis SDA) Yusmada Faizal asked the public not to distinguish the term naturalization from river normalization in the flood control program.

"There is no longer a naturalization and normalization dichotomy," said Yusmada at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 23.

According to Yusmada, naturalization and normalization are programs that ensure that there are sufficient channels to accommodate water during the rainy season. The goal is to minimize runoff to settlements.

"Naturalization and normalization are related, we make sure the water channels are of sufficient capacity. The matter of handling it later can be natural ways or can be sheet pile retaining cliff walls, that's the construction," Yusmada explained.

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