JAKARTA - While chairing a meeting to handle the COVID-19 in Central Java, Governor Ganjar Pranowo revealed the facts. Wonogiri area refuses the presence of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, what is the reason?

This was revealed directly by Ganjar about the area that refused the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine. In fact, the vaccine stock has already been sent from the center.

"Wonogiri said earlier that he didn't want the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine, even though it was already sent. Yes, we'll move it to another area that wants it. Things like this don't actually happen if the vaccine is given to us, not directly to the regions. We don't give the vaccine ourselves, according to the areas that really need it", said Ganjar as quoted from the Central Java Provincial Government Public Relations, Monday 1 November.

Unfortunately, there was no further explanation from Ganjar as to why Wonogiri refused the vaccine.

However, Ganjar also revealed encouraging facts. Until the 43rd week, the number of new Covid-19 cases in Central Java continued to decline. Even on October 31, there were 19 regions in Central Java that recorded zero cases of transmission.

The nineteen regions with zero cases were Semarang Regency, Wonosobo, Temanggung, Tegal, Sragen, Rembang, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Kudus, Karanganyar, Grobogan, Demak, Boyolali, Banjarnegara, Tegal City, Surakarta City, Salatiga City, Pekalongan City, Magelang City. .

Meanwhile, other areas with cases in Cilacap and Banyumas each with 13 cases, Semarang City and Klaten with five cases, Pati with three cases, Wonogiri, Purbalingga, Kendal and Blora (two cases each). In addition, there is also only one case, namely Sukoharjo, Purworejo, Magelang Regency, Kebumen, Jepara, Brebes and Batang.

Governor Ganjar Pranowo emphasized that the pandemic in Central Java was indeed improving. However, he asked all not to be euphoric and felt that they were free from disease.

"Indeed, there are several areas where on October 31 there were zero new cases. But don't let your friends feel that my place is zero, we are free as much as we can. No. Unless the place is an island itself", Ganjar said.

According to Ganjar, although there are zero cases, it does not rule out the possibility of transmission. Because there are still many people in and out of various regions and milling about there.

Therefore, Ganjar asked all regents/mayors to speed up vaccination until the end of December. While waiting for that, the prokes must still be tightened even though the area is zero cases.

"That's why I ask the regents/mayors to remain vigilant by staying disciplined with health protocols. Until December, we are speeding up the vaccine, masks cannot be removed, all existing public places must proceed, and the Civil Service Police Unit together with the TNI/Police must continue to patrol. Education must continue to be carried out while waiting for the vaccine to be completed", he said.

Regarding vaccines, Ganjar said that the stock of vaccines for Central Java is currently quite a lot. However, there is an obstacle, namely that the Pfizer vaccine sent to Central Java is not equipped with an injection device.

"That's why we continue to communicate with the Minister of Health to immediately send the injection. Because many regencies/cities are enthusiastic, especially those with large populations such as Brebes, Grobogan, Banyumas, and Cilacap", he said.

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