JAKARTA - The leadership stick of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is in the hands of Firli Bahuri and four other people, namely Lili Pintauli Siregar, Nurul Ghufron, and Nawawi Pomolango, Alexander Marwata who is the incumbent of volume IV leadership. The plan is for them to be sworn in at the State Palace, Jakarta at around 14.30 WIB.
Later, leaders who will be inaugurated and who are retired will go together to the location of the inauguration. This was conveyed by KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarif, although he did not provide details on the time of his departure.
"Yes, we went together (with the elected KPK leaders) to the Palace from the (KPK) office," said Syarif at the Anti Corruption Learning Center (ACLC) Building, Jalan Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 19.
If according to plan, Firli and four other KPK leaders will be sworn in at the same time as the KPK Supervisory Board. It's just that it is not yet known the name of the board that was formed for the first time, after the enactment of the new KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.

Firli Bahuri's controversial journey
The process of electing Komjen Firli Bahuri from the police force to become chairman of the KPK was not smooth and full of controversy. This 56-year-old man is often said to be unfit to be the leader of the KPK and has even received strong resistance from hundreds of employees of the anti-corruption institution, including the three leaders of volume IV and the community.
Rejection at that time arose, because Firli was said to have committed several code violations while serving as KPK's Deputy for Enforcement.
Indeed, Firli's name is not a new name in the anti-corruption agency. In 2018, he was previously Deputy of Enforcement before returning to the Bhayangkara Corps and running for KPK Chair for the 2019-2023 period.
As for the violation of the code of ethics, he was said to have had a secret meeting with the Governor of NTB Tuan Guru Bajang Majdi when the related party was involved in the alleged corruption case of share ownership of the local government of PT Newmont in 2009-2016.
It's just that in the fit and proper test by a member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Firli rejected the accusation on the pretext that his meeting with Tuan Guru Bajang Majdi happened accidentally.
In addition, Firli is also said to have served as one of the leaders of a political party at a hotel in Jakarta. His meeting with this political party ketum was revealed by the former Secretary General of the KPK, Tsani Annafari. However, again before the council members, Firli denied this.
He said the meeting with one of the chairmen of a political party (ketum parpol) was not an intentional one. The candidate for leadership (capim) of the KPK even said that the meeting was not a political party chair, but an individual.
The rejection that occurred against Firli was very different from the previous period. At that time, Agus Rahardjo, as a person with no background in the world of law enforcement, actually got quite a positive reaction from the public.
Agus Rahardjo was chosen by the DPR to become chairman of the KPK to eradicate corruption from the upstream. The DPR is of the opinion that many cases of corruption occur during the process of procuring goods and services. Moreover, he is a former Head of the Government Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) and has been there for eight years.

In addition, Agus has also served as Head of the Center for Policy Development for Public Procurement of Goods and Services (PPKPBJ) Office of the State Ministry for National Development Planning / National Development Planning Agency. So it is hoped that the election of Agus can prevent corruption from occurring in that sector.
Agus Rahardjo also received positive testimonials from several political figures at that time. One of the positive assessments came from the former Governor of DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) alias Ahok.
Ahok admitted that he often consulted himself regarding system development, including when building Koja Hospital. In addition, Agus is also called Ahok helping himself to eliminate the outsourcing work system.
"Good. I know, I don't know anymore, so the one helping Koja Hospital using the design is Mr. Agus. If you see, I can remove outsourcing and ask for individual contracts because (taught) Mr. Agus. So I almost do anything. please) to Pak Agus Raharjo. He is the one who teaches why Jakarta has to be a model, "said Ahok at that time.
Despite being full of controversy, Firli was still decided to become Chairman of the KPK by Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament through a plenary session in September 2019.
The former aide to Vice President Boediono even won 56 votes when the voting was held. Meanwhile, four other candidates for leadership, namely Nawawi Pamolango received 50 votes, Lili Pintauli Siregar got 44 votes, Nurul Ghufron got 51 votes, and Alexander Marwata got 53 votes.
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