JAKARTA - Keith Flint is indeed dead. But his memories will always last. Recently, 02 Brixton Academy paid special tribute to the frontman of The Prodigy.

In honor of the singer of the song Firestarter, the famous venue named their main dressing room after Flint. A gold plaque featuring Keith's horned hairstyle was also installed on the door of the room.

"Big respect to Brixton Academy London for changing the name of the main band changing room with 'The Keef Flint Suite' in honor of Flinty. Special thanks to Josh @ O2academybrix," Liam and Maxim #TheProdigy #weliveforever "tweeted Liam Howlett and Maxim via their account. Twitter The Prodigy.

The naming is not without reason. The Prodigy played at this venue many times including three shows in 2017.

Meanwhile last month, Flint's personal belongings were sold at an auction in Cambridge for a total of £ 347,750.

Items on sale include several Flint gold pieces, his NME Awards, custom-made luxury bedding, two-handed swords, his record collection, motorcycle skins and various jewelery.

As well as reflecting Flint's musical career, the items also represent a broader range of interests - including his love for motocross and the arts.

Other items up for auction include archived records and artwork from Flint's solo projects, after which he worked under the moniker Flint and Clever Brains Fryin.

Last September, The Prodigy paid tribute to Flint on the day he was supposed to turn 50. Flint was found dead at his Essex home in March at the age of 49.

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