JAKARTA - A musician from Palu, Idham Lapasere, released a religious single song with the alternative rock genre, Jiwa Mulia. This song was written spontaneously on Idham's trip to Java.

The process of composing this song involved Boomerang guitarist, Tommy Maranua, who acted as music director and producer. The tapes were executed in Surabaya.

"I was on a business trip from Palu to Java ... Purwokerto, Jogja, Batu Malang to Surabaya indeed planned to make music with Tommy," said Idham to VOI.

There were many 'luck' surprises or events beyond Idham's reasoning and expectations when he got the idea for the lyrics of this song. On the way, he suddenly hummed and uttered the lyrics; "No need to be proud of what you have".

"It's not that we are not grateful for what God has given. The point is there is no need to be arrogant, we will definitely die. Many are grateful for the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic like now," he said.

The spontaneous lyrics became the theme for the song. When Idham conveyed it to Tommy, he immediately agreed.

In general, there were no significant obstacles when they worked on this song. The problem in the recording process is more on the equipment.

"If the transfer of ideas we understand each other better. Tommy understands quite well my taste in music and my singing capacity," said Idham.

From a musical perspective, Idham and Tommy try to be honest in their work. Although spontaneous, at least they can be held accountable. However, when talking about references, Idham admits that he is influenced by modern rock music, alternative rock, and grunge.

"My idol vocalist apart from Eddie Vedder and Ipang Lazuardi is Sting. But personally I also idolize Tommy as a guitar player even though many of his works are vocal," Idham ended.

While waiting for the music video for Jiwa Mulia, which is still in development. Enjoy the audio version below:

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)