JAKARTA - Singer Iwan Fals spoke out about military attacks from Israel on Palestinians through a song.

Titled Palestine, the song was uploaded in video format via his YouTube channel on Friday, May 14.

"Six years ago I made this song and today, I want to sing again as a form of my concern for what is happening in Gaza lately, Palestine," he said via video.

He also claimed to be bored constantly feeling bereaved. His feelings have been mixed ranging from angry, sad, even more than sad.

"Yes it's hard, emotion, lust, heat, but yes it they have to decide. Dare not decide that? Because the grudge if followed is not finished. Until when? Yes the point is, the sense of peace wants to fight it's human, yes it's stopped," he further said.

Iwan Fals also warned that Indonesia is at risk of war in the South China Sea. "but some say the war is now not dar der dor, bang, but the war in brainwashing, in the mass media, and all sorts," he said.

Towards the end of the video, Iwan Fals said that this abal-abal devotional could be an inspiration for the country's leaders. "Who decides the war from the leader. People can do what, just come along."

The video has been watched by 17 thousand and supported by the internet. They thanked Iwan Fals for their expression through the video.

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