JAKARTA - Iga Massardi, who is a member of the singer association calling himself the Indonesian Voice Vibration (VISION), also voiced his opinion regarding the royalties of performing rights that have occurred in the realm of Indonesian music lately.
The Barasuara frontman said that the different perspectives on Law No.28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC) among musicians were reasonable. However, he did not accept that one party forced his will to be applied only to his own group.
"I personally see this as a difference of opinion that can actually be discussed. But what needs to be underlined here is that laws based on laws and regulations must apply egalitarianly and are not only for some people," said Iga at a VISI press conference at SCBD, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 19.
Moreover, Iga strongly opposes if the problems that have a very personal basis are then raised to the public and disrupt the music ecosystem.
"What needs to be observed here, don't let the personal issues (personal matters) interfere with the ecosystem, where the personal issues are applied to everyone," he said. And that is something that we really don't deny, but we need to discuss it.
Iga juga menyampaikan pentingnya para musisi urun rembuk demi mencari solusi terbaik bagi semua pihak yang ada di ekosistem musik.
"Because this will involve the entire Indonesian music ecosystem, it applies to singers and applies to other creators, as well as organizers. That may be what we can formulate together with as many parties as possible," said Iga.
"And we from VISION have never had a problem to talk to each other well and conducively. So, regarding what we will convey here, actually the vision of this VISION is to make conditions conducive and peaceful," he concluded.
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