JAKARTA - As songwriters, Nowela Mikhelia admits that she is proud of the greater influence of women in the Indonesian music industry today.

The 37-year-old singer from Wamena, Papua, said that the sustainability of a female singer who has not stopped for decades is a separate achievement.

I see women in our music industry are tough women. We can see from the young people, let's say we talk about Bernadya, until the generation reaches Titi DJ, Kris Dayanti, Mama Uthe (Ruth Sahanaya), to Oma Titiek Puspa," said Nowela during a recent virtual interview with VOI.

The continuous regeneration of female singers, said Nowela, was also attended by other women in different sectors in the music and performance industry.

"I'm talking about singers, yes, we have a very powerful female singer. It's not yet on the back stage, not the creative industry people," he said. I see women now have a huge role in our music industry.

Therefore, Nowela feels it is time for women in the music industry to collaborate more to produce the best works.

"Hopefully, as a fellow woman, I really want us to collaborate, we cooperate, not elbow each other. We can support each other, we don't go alone," said Nowela. Looks like it's the time for collaboration, we move forward with us.

Furthermore, Nowela also stated that the possibility to issue works with the entire team involved was women, from producers to musicians.

"Why not? Why not?" he said.

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