JAKARTA - Lady Gaga, who finally released her seventh studio album, Mayhem, two weeks ago talked about one of the tracks entitled 'Perfect Celebrity'.

The 38-year-old songwriters described 'Perfect Celebrity' as the most angry song of the 14 songs presented on the album.

There was a lot of energy in the 1990s in that song. The 1990s was when I fell in love with music as a teenager," Gaga said in a recent interview with Zane Lowe.

"In the studio, we all have something in common, love at that time," Gaga added, who wrote the song with Andrew Watt, Henry Walter, and Mike Levy.

Then, Gaga admitted that the writing of the song "Perfect Celebrity" was inspired by the famous song The Cure, "Never Enough"

'Perfect Celebrity' started as an electro grunge song. The song was also inspired by The Cure and the song 'Never Enough' which I used to play in my apartment a million times, before I entered this bar, "said the 14 Grammy winner.

"So, the song also has that influence, such as the electro influence that appears in it," he added.

Gaga said there was a plan to turn the entire production of 'Mayhem' into an electro grunge album after the writing 'Perfect Celebrity'. However, the intention was reversed.

"I really think that it's boring and is not at all the core of 'Mayhem'. The true chaos of myself is that I'm actually much more than just these concepts, I'm so many concepts at once," he said.

Furthermore, Gaga revealed that the 'Perfect Celebrity' was almost used as a temporary title for the album. He also said the electro influence also appeared in other songs on the album.

"There's a song called 'Can't Stop The High' in the album version that only exists on my website. It's a pure grunge electro recording that's even harder than 'Perfect Celebrity'."

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