JAKARTA - The singer who graduated from the Indonesian Idol event, Nowela Mikhelia stated that music has its own strength. He was able to make the listener do stupid things, but on the other hand it was also able to make the listener rise from adversity.
"I'm sure and I also feel that music has that much power," said Nowela during a recent virtual interview with VOI.
Nowela calls Michael Jackson's song 'Heal the World' one of the songs that influence her way of thinking.
"At first, maybe we didn't care about people, but when we heard this song, 'Oh yes yes, there are people whose lives weren't as lucky as us.' said Nowela. 'We want to do something for this world too.'
Not only 'Heal the World', the 37-year-old singer from Wamena, Papua also has other songs that are said to change her mindset.
"I have several songs that when I heard the song, I was able to rise again, I was excited, I could have another hope," he said.
"When I heard those songs, I didn't think about anyone else, I thought about other people," he added.
Therefore, Nowela in the last few years and for the next wants the works she produces to be able to provide positive energy to listeners.
"So, for the last 4-5 years, I've focused a lot on working on things that are empowering, things that might inspire me," he said.
"I may also have a choice to make viral songs, or make songs whose music is circulating now. I have a choice like that. But I think there is something in my heart that says that one day when I am not there, I can still have legacy, have relics. Namely what? My works that make people able to go through difficult times, "concluded Nowela.
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