JAKARTA - The Up Treasurer frontman, Jimi Multhazam revealed that the next band project will be related to the old works they have introduced.

Jimi said there would be two old songs to be re-released in different versions.

"The Up Trustees, in the future we want to release a new version of the 'satellite' and the End of the Week Dance," Jimi told the media crew at Pondok Labu, South Jakarta some time ago.

Jimi said that what The Up Shields did was an attempt to rejuvenate the artifacts they had.

"Like from the album 'Magnet' from 'Energy', even though it's a very successful album from us, actually we haven't got a clip from that album at that time," said Jimi.

With the re-release, the 51-year-old musician also feels there are some works worth listening to more music lovers.

"So curious. There are some songs that a lot of people should hear but rarely be heard. Yes, maybe people play the song onskip," he said.

As for the types of re-releases for old works, they will be presented with various concepts, ranging from re-recording to remixing songs.

"Like the 'Magnet' album, we know the mix at that time was still in the same level, the important thing is that the deadline is to come out, but now it is made more friendly to the ears," concluded Jimi.

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