JAKARTA - The 25th anniversary of demajors was marked by the release of the album of the jazz music group, LOVE IS. They introduced the second LP titled "Made to Believe" in a showcase on March 16 in Jakarta.
LOVE IS consists of a quartet consisting of the founder, composer, and bass player Jason Mountario; actor Sri Hanuraga; drummer Kelvin Andreas: and SAksofon player Rainer James.
Citing ANTARA on March 17, the album contains the recording results of the LOVE IS premiere show on the second night at the Salihara International Performing Arts Festival 2024.
The performance features eight song compositions, namely One Big if, Fetus Fantasy, Spoided spoilers, Beautiful Breed, Hush Hunt, Twin Terminal, Made to Believe, and Kindergarten
This work makes the above strain as a playground for listeners to experience, rather than to understand. Experiencing to understand.
"He seemed to be against the practical, the efficient, the immediate. This can be seen in the body and mental intensity that burdens the players when playing Made to Believe, in the duration of his work and in negativity that seems to challenge listeners to catch Jason Mountario's work immediately," said Sri Hanuraga.
Made to Believe has launched on various digital music streaming services in Indonesia. In addition, compact disc formats are also available through official websites and demajors outlets.
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