JAKARTA - Ahead of this year's Ramadan moment, Salman Al-Jugjawy or Sakti released their latest religious work. The song is titled Hey Dunia, which officially circulated starting February 17 yesterday.

If you hear this song, it's certainly very familiar. Hey Dunia is an adaptation of the song Sepia, one of Sheila On 7's old hits.

Since leaving the group, Sakti is still a brother to other personnel. Not infrequently he is present on various stages to commemorate the youth of music together.

Now, Sakti has released a religious breathing song that is also related to her former band. He uploaded the happy moment on Instagram, where he was able to collaborate again with SO7.

"Bismillah, Alhamdulillah.. I'm coming home.. working with friends God willing, I'm waiting for the premiere of you tube music video @salman_al_jugjawy 13.00 pm today which was created with CEO @507.records," he wrote on February 17.

In the song Hey Dunia, Sakti raises the theme of life in a world that is only mortal. All persuasion and deception is just fake, towards a complete love for the One.

The song and music video Hey Dunia can be watched on the YouTube channel Salman Al-Jugjawy TV.

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