JAKARTA - Indra Lesmana again expressed his opinion regarding the chaos regarding direct license which was uploaded on Instagram Story with the title "Indra Lesmana Note".
Taking a point of view as a songwriter, the 58-year-old musician tried to straighten out his views regarding the application of direct license in music performances.
"It needs to be straightened out that the Direct License on Shows currently being fought for by songwriters is not a form of 'Performing Rights Royalties' but a License Fee," said Indra Lesmana, citing his statement, Tuesday, March 25.
Indra included the license fee as wages or parts that must be paid by the singer or performer (performer) for the songs that have been performed on stage. Different from the royalty concept, he mentions the license fee as much as wages for accompanying musicians and even make-up artists.
When a singer/Performer gets a fee for a show in addition to perhaps paying a stylist, make up artist, music director, musician, etc. there is a license fee that currently feels the need to be shared by a performer to the songwriter, namely song license fee, said Indra.
License is the same as other fees, which can be discussed and negotiated. In my opinion, in the current era of the music industry, this makes a lot of sense," he added.
Indra Lesmana's statement was re-uploaded by Rieka Roslan, the songwriters who are members of the All-Indonesian Composter Association (AKSI). He said Indra's statement became very logical.
"Thank you, mas @indralesmana.. can always explain with logic," Rieka wrote in the description of the upload.
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