Tiara Andini became one of the performers at the Super Diva concert which was held on January 17. Not only appearing with his two friends, Lyodra and Ziva, he is also on stage with KD, Titi DJ and Ruth Sahanaya from 3 Diva.

This concert juxtaposes six singers from two different generations. But they are both seen as top singers in today's music industry.

Three young soloists certainly have a heavier burden side by side with three senior figures who have been in a career for decades. Even though they have performed hundreds of times, maturity is one of the challenges for young singers.

Recently Tiara Andini's appearance at the Super Diva concert has become a hot topic of conversation. In the video circulating, the 23-year-old singer sounds less than optimal when singing.

Tiara did not manage to reach high notes, had run out of breath, and it was difficult to sing the melody according to her wishes. Because of that, many regretted it through comments on social media.

Why is that the voice pic.twitter.com/uHf2enhlIm

Of course, many factors cause Tiara's appearance to be less than optimal, starting from a technical and non-technical perspective. Let's discuss it from a technical point of view first.

In a live show, it is very possible that there is a disturbance in the sound system. Singers often experience problems on their in-ear monitor, so they cannot hear their own arrangements or voices clearly. This can make them sing in the wrong tone or miss about tempo.

The 360-degree stage system at the Indonesia Arena, the concert venue can also be a challenge in itself. Although concepts and interactions feel better, from the technical side of the stage, they can still be maximized further.

Meanwhile, from a non-technical point of view, it is possible that Tiara Andini is in an unsuitable condition so that she can hear pitchy in several parts. This could also be due to mental stress experienced, because she is in a large-scale concert and performing with senior singers.

A few days before this incident, vocal coach Indra Aziz also discussed similar incidents from Tiara on another occasion. He mentioned that the occupancy was important for the singer. Discipline to maintain the condition of the body and sound band for professionals is very crucial.

Despite the various shortcomings that have occurred, this will be a valuable lesson for Tiara Andini in the future. Still very young, maturity will be achieved with time and effort that is carried out consistently.

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