JAKARTA - Changing personnel, especially vocalists, is not an easy thing for a band. But HIVI! has managed to do it once, and will now be tested for the second time.

This Jakarta music group has just introduced the singer who will be Neida's successor. He is Keisha Cinantya, or who is familiarly called Kei.

Keisha was announced to be the vocalist of HIVI! on January 5 yesterday after going through the audition process. From the assessment carried out on several candidates, Kei was considered the most suitable person.

Apart from having a suitable singing style, Kei's experience in the music industry is also an important consideration. He is known to have been involved in the corporate world, music labels, and had released several singles as solo singers.

Now 30 years old, Kei was introduced by HIVI! as a female singer and a mother. Kei often uploads togetherness with her beloved husband and child on her Instagram account, @keicinantya.

HIVI! also back three families and ready to start a new journey in 2025 onwards. Keisha also did not expect her destiny to meet Ilham and Febri from HIVI!.

"2025 will be the beginning of my journey, I can carry out what my aspirations have been, become a singer and musician for @sayhivi. It was so viral, the first time I heard the song HIVI! When I was still in college and I couldn't stop singing their songs, I never thought that one day I would be a part of them," he said in an Instagram upload, January 5.

This opportunity also raises Keisha's dream song that was hidden. With her role as a mother and musician, she also encouraged mothers to keep their dreams.

"Even though I was thinking about harboring my life as a musician after becoming a mother, it turned out that God gave me even greater opportunities. For mothers out there, never stop dreaming," he concluded.

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