JAKARTA - The National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) revealed data on events or music performances, where promoters or organizers (users) have not paid royalties until December 17.

Yessy Kurniawan as the LMKN Commissioner said this data was opened to the public in response to various polemics of music royalties that were deemed unresolved.

In the data revealed, there are 116 events that have not paid royalties. Some of them were even held in 2023.

"In the past, I didn't want to tell you who didn't pay. But now, if an investigation needs to be carried out, why don't they want to pay? The data is there, complete, including the royalty calculation of 116 of this event," Yessy said during a press conference in Kuningan, South Jakarta on Thursday, December 19.

Yessy explained that her party has complete data, including calculations of the amount of royalties that songwriters should receive.

We clearly separate which ones have paid, which ones refuse to pay, and which ones enter into litigation. We are trying to carry out this task well," he said.

Furthermore, Yessy explained that LMKN had tried to encourage users to carry out their obligations. He also questioned the reasons for those who had not paid royalties.

"Please ask the event organizer (EO), why don't you pay it? We ourselves don't know for sure, but it's very tough. It can't be immediately lit up because the cost is large, while our operational costs are limited," said Yessy.

"We prove this, this is the governance we run," said Yessy.

Meanwhile, the LMKN data shows that many major music events have not paid royalties, including the 30 Years of People's Party Live Event Dewa 19 Berkarya, Dewa 19 Feat All Stars at Manahan Stadium, GBK Stadium, and Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, Sang Kejora Lesti Concert: Traces of 1 Decade, Prambanan Jazz #9 (2023), JKT48 Music Theater - 2024, The Greatest Melly Goeslaw, and many more.

Then, several international musicians concerts have not paid royalties, such as Deep Purple World Tour 2023, Bruno Mars Live in Jakarta, One Ok Rock Luxury Disease Asia Tour 2023, and Secret Number Passworld Concert.

Several non-music events that also present the music stage have not paid royalties, such as the opening of the North Sumatra XXI PON, Mandalika MotoGP VIP, Depok City Golkar Party Campaign, Jakarta Arts Council Cultural Speech, 2024 Cover Girl Final Night, Grand Campaign and Governor Candidate People's Party, Gerindra's 16th Grand Campaign and Anniversary, 2024 National Electricity Day Peak, People's Party Commemorating the 542nd Regency Anniversary, and others.

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