Towards the end of 2024, the Big Bang Festival is an attractive choice to enjoy concerts and shopping. Dozens of singers and musicians will enliven the event which will take place at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta.
The Big Bang Festival will be held from December 21, 2024 to January 1, 2025. Every day there will be special performers who will entertain visitors.
A number of names that have been confirmed to take part in this year's event include Bernadya, Shakira Jasmine, Slank, Fourtwnty to Sheila On 7.
Not only appearing on stage, there will be another interesting surprise from the performers. Bernadya, for example, will hold a fan meeting session on the last day.
Speaking of the last day, there will also be a special suggestion from Sheila On 7. Duta et al will appear as the final action on January 1 next year.
Quoting from the official Big Bang Festival social media page, here is a list of ticket prices that can be ordered through the BBO application:
Exhibition Tiket: IDR 15,000 Concert Tiket 1 Day: IDR 50,000 Concert Tiket 12 Days: IDR 150,000 Premium Tiket 1 Day: IDR 250,000 Premium Tiket 12 Days: IDR 1,000,000
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