JAKARTA - Sal Priadi reintroduced Zuzuzaza (Edit Pack) in a new form. This song is one of the material on the album MARKERS AND SUCH PENS FLASHDISKS which was released eight months ago.

This edition is in the form of a mini album containing five remix versions of Zuzuzaza, which were worked on by five musicians/producers who reinterpreted the song.

"The song is about making something, working. On the way, it can be translated into many things, including for example, so the name of the tour that I did the other day," Sal said in his statement, Tuesday, December 10.

The 32-year-old soloist admitted that the conversation to invite people to reinterpret this has been around for a long time. In the end, he met Densky, Munir, Muztang, Namoy Budaya, and Tomy Herseta. The five of them are said to have different musical styles.

Densky, known as one of the beatmakers/produsers of music targeted by many people in the local hiphop scene, has collaborated with Sal behind the scenes before.

The same applies to Tomy Herseta, an experimental musician who in other artistic capacities is one of Sal's trusted collaborators.

Meanwhile, Muztang, who has a bass n' drum background and is active on Westwew Music, gives another color that is considered successful in widening the interpretation of the song Zuzuzaza.

A similar element was also given by Munir, a music disjoki/producer who often plays in the realm of disco music. Plus by Namoy Budaya, which is known as a reggae disjoki/producer.

The five of them are very happy people I follow in their footsteps. When offering this to them, there is great belief that their interpretation will give a color that is super different from Zuzuza. And we can listen to this together," said Sal.

"It's really interesting, that the song that comes to me, turns out to be able to have a new aura when handled by other people," he continued.

The release of 'Zuzuzaza' (Edit Pack), said Sal, is a tribute as well as a celebration of the vibrant Indonesian electronic music scene.

In general, the beatmaker / DJ / producer scene is indeed close to me. So, actually working with the names in this mini album is not a very strange thing. It seems, from my perspective; that the music is very possible to play that far," said Sal.

As a start, the Zuzuzaza (Edit Pack) was introduced via digital music channels, and it is possible that Sal will present a physical release, following in the footsteps of two previous albums that have been released in physical form.

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