JAKARTA - For those of you who knew the Tangga group in the 2000s, you are no stranger to Mohammed Kamga and Chevrina. After parting ways from the label they were under, they changed the name and concept to Near. Now, besides Near, they founded the duo Hondo, which released their second single, River, on Thursday, April 2nd.

Lifting the human and spiritual side, River is independently produced by Kamga and Chevrina. This song is an expression of the heart to God for all the things that are often not answered as well as a prayer for God to take over everything that happens. River was released under the record label Darlin 'Records.

Like a prayer, this song also ends with the word 'amen' at the end of the lyrics. The vocals of the two were so strong with their own distinctive characters. The theme song is also still in the same color with their debut single, Thirty.

River is of course an interesting work especially released in the midst of the corona virus pandemic which is still pounding Indonesia.

"With all the things that are happening around us, it is very easy for us to ignore the blessings that exist in our lives that we often take for granted," Chevrina wrote in a press statement received by VOI. The single was finally released after previously being featured on Soundrenaline 2019.

Hondo was founded in 2019. This duo is Kamga and Chevrina's way of conveying music as a support system as well as the hope of presenting safe music and positive messages for fans. Hondo music is also a challenge for both of them in living life in the era of social media like now.

To get more information regarding future Hondo projects, please take a peek at their social media, Instagram and Twitter at @ hond0hondo.

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