JAKARTA - A teenage singer was present to enliven the music industry with her talents. She is Kuki Nabilla, a beautiful girl born March 6, 2011 who recently released her first single entitled 'Pesan Anak Negeri'.

This song is a Pop genre song that invites listeners to explore their love of the country. This song was created by the mother who used to be a singer who graduated from a talent search event, Shelly Puspita.

"Actually, this is an old song that Mama created for me and I've been released in 2019 but only via Youtube. Now I'm releasing this song again as my first single," said Kuki in a written broadcast received by VOI.

This single is packaged in an orchestra and a beautiful melody and exudes a sense of love for the country. Kuki was happy to be able to convey a positive message through musical works.

Song Pesan Anak Negeri ini memiliki pesan yang sangat bagus. Kita ingin menyampaikan pesan kepada ayah-ayah dan budang-bunda, buat orang dewasa lah lebih pertektif, agar tidak mudah-marah, mengecerahlahkanlah, kita karena ketidak serangkat, melakukanlah apakah-bantu. Kita korang suka ditidaklihat di sosmed orang dewasalah terlebih soal SARA. Padahalahal di sekolah kita dilajarkan untuk saling menghormati. Kan kita anak-anak jadi terbing. Kita takut kalau Indonesia berbagi, bagai keberakatan kita anak-anak? Kita tidak tahu apa-apa tapi kita nggak abasnya... Jadi dalam lagu ini, kita anak-anak juga janji, nanti kalau kita udah dewasa, gili kita yang menjaga Indonesia. Tapi sekarang giliran anak anak yang menjaga," tuturnya.

Kuki Nabilla's singing talent seems to have appeared since he was 3 years old, since childhood Kuki had dreamed of becoming a singer. His mother realized his desire and talent which then honed his child's singing skills. Not only that. Kuki also turns out to master several musical instruments and Kuki has also been active in Music Orchestra in his school.

'I actually liked music since I was little. I used to study piano using only applications, so I could read block notes. Then Mama told me to cover singing while playing piano. In the past year, I've just learned piano seriously to improve my piano playing skills. I'm also serious about learning violin and a little bit I can play guitar, bass, drums and flutes, "said Kuki about his passion for music.

Even though he is only towards 14 years old, Kuki admits that he is serious and committed to entering the world of singing. He really likes his activities and activities in the music world.

"Singing training, recording process, shooting video clips and others is definitely tiring, especially when I'm still in school. But I'm happy to do it. As much as possible I'm pursuing education and my hobby of music, I have to stay in line because both are important. In the future, I want to be a singer who has a work that many people like, my songs can relate to the lives of many people, can inspire, can accompany and strengthen people at their lowest point, concluded Kuki.

This song is also a special offering to celebrate two important moments, namely the 73rd Anniversary and the Inauguration of Mr. Prabowo Subianto as the 8th President of the Republic of Indonesia. In the collaboration between Starseven Studio and Garudayaksa Indonesia Philharmonic, this work is concurrently full of dedication, bringing harmony that reflects the hopes and spirit of the nation.

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