JAKARTA - Tickets that have been running for two years with the formation of Aqi Singgih (vocals), Arden Wibowo (guitar), Opet Alatas (bas), and Brian Kresna Putro (drums), launched a new single with the title GAK MAU.

This single is the second new song to be released, following the 'Senjana' which was released in November 2023. Previously, Tickets only released different versions of old songs, such as Only You Can', Abualah, and Let Love Unite Us.

'NOT WANT' with a pop-rock color is a sad story in the realm of romance that is packaged with a happy vibes approach, feel-good song.

"This song is very different from the previous tickets," said Aqi when he visited VOI's office in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 26.

The process of cultivating it itself is very flowing, with each personnel playing an active role.

"For the process of making the song itself, it didn't take long, actually. At that time we gathered, we made parts of the song, after that we thought about what the story was about, then we wrote the lyrics," said Aqi.

Unlike the way of composing songs like in the early 2000s, this time each personnel worked together in all aspects of the song.

"In the past, usually there was one who had a song, now we decide everything is made. So that there is a sense of having it," said the vocalist.

The busyness of each personnel outside the Tickets, assisted by the current technological advances. They work on tasks' from their respective homes.

"Everything can be recorded in their respective homes, so there is no need to just make a schedule. We pass the data, after that we send it directly to our friends to be mixed and mastered," said Aqi.

Seeing the different characteristics of Tiket's new work from the previous one, said Opet, the personnel tried to present something ideal without having to sound complicated.

"Currently packing the arrangement is different again, and in our opinion, it's like that, it doesn't make it complicated. The hope is that what we are working on, it's also ideal if you hear it," concluded Opet.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)