JAKARTA - Pongki Barata has lived and lived in Bali for eight years. Although far from Jakarta as the center of the national entertainment industry, the former Jikust vocalist is still actively playing music.

When asked what his main activities were while in Bali, the 46-year-old musician confirmed that he was still productive in issuing musical works.

"My main job is still from music, still from singing. In fact (in fact) I came here (Jakarta) and actually there was a singing job," said Pongki Barata when met after a press conference for the launch of a new album in Kemang, South Jakarta some time ago.

"If nothing changes at work, I started professionally in 1996 until now nothing has changed from my activities. The difference is maybe I can better regulate which jobs I want to take and which ones don't," he continued.

The bassist of The Dance Company feels that not all gig offers in Jakarta can be accepted, because there are other calculations that must be considered.

"Because not everything can be taken from Bali, the cost of the plane must be calculated, as a result I can choose which one to take and which one not," he said.

Although most of his musical colleagues are in Jakarta, Pongki feels there is no problem, there is no intention of even returning.

Pongki feels very comfortable in Bali with his family. He also saw his productivity increase.

"If you look at the work I produce, if you look at my YouTube, it's almost every month at least one work comes out, so it never stops producing in terms of work," he said.

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